Poor neglected sewing machine! It has been sat on this chair in a forlorn manner for nearly a month now, with nothing but a shepherd (painted by a 3yr old) for company. I feel very sorry for it, but am resigned to the fact that I'm unlikely to use it now until after the baby's born.
For those who may be at risk of making the same mistake I did, here is a chart comparing American and English crochet terms that I lifted from About.com:
British vs American English Crochet Patterns
British English
USA - American English
double crochet (dc)
single crochet (sc)
half treble (htr)
half double crochet (hdc)
treble (tr)
double crochet (dc)
double treble (dtr)
treble (tr)
triple treble (trtr)
double treble (dtr)
yarn over hook (yoh)
yarn over (yo)
Hope it helps!
Anyway, the ripple blanket is currently on hold as I ran out of yarn yesterday - double doh! - and need to take a trip to Hobbycraft to get some more. I've been trying to go with more neutral colours for this one as we don't know whether we're having a girl or a boy (and my granny square blanket did have a distinctly girly feel to it!!) so I went with purple, green and cream. That meant I was still left with my remaining pink and yellow yarn (also from the granny square blanket), so I decided to make use of this on a smaller project until I can get to the shop for more supplies.
Can you guess what it is yet? |
Despite looking alarmingly like a toilet roll cover, this is in fact going to be a baby doll dress for Emily's new Baby Bjorn. It's another Ravelry pattern (Delightfully Pink Baby Doll Dress by Anna Ness) and yes, I did work out that it uses American crochet terms - yay! I'm loving the fact that crochet projects come along so quickly (soooo satisfying!) and also that they are so portable. I've been taking my crochet everywhere with me lately, and it's such a conversation starter! What with that and being nearly 9 months pregnant I've been talking to all manner of folk recently! All good fun.
Don't brave Hobbycraft! If I were in your situation I would be mail-ordering yarn.I love it when squishy parcels of yarny goodness turn up!
ReplyDeleteHaha - yes, I know Hobbycraft is not the ideal place to buy yarn (and not the most exciting of outings!), but I needed to buy more of the same, and they do at least have a 3 for 2 on at the moment. I've been doing lots of internet trawling for yarns and fabrics lately, but somehow it's not quite the same as being able to see the colour/feel the texture first. Need to find myself a decent wool shop in Coventry! Few and far between in this area I fear. Nevermind - outing now accomplished so I can at least keep busy whilst I wait for baby to make an appearance.