Here's another long one folks! Time to blog about my favourite ever make!
I blogged before about changing the children's rooms about ready to make room for the new baby (who's nearly here!). Emily and the baby will share what was our spare room. Now, I don't know about you, but we've never put much effort into spare rooms. In an ideal world it would be lovely to have a beautifully organised and 'finished' space to invite relatives and friends to stay in, but in reality our spare room is always a dumping ground with a bed in it! I did recently invest in some new duvet covers, as our others spares were generally 80s cast offs passed on from parents, but that's been about it. Of course, a child's bedroom is another matter - we wanted that to be cosy and pretty and inviting - particularly so that Emily would not be upset about the move! We are a clergy family as I have said before, so we live in a house owned by the church and are consequently loath to spend a lot of money on alterations when we're unlikely to be here for long. We had to concede to buying a new carpet, as the bare floorboards were not cosy and tended to amplify the patter of tiny feet throughout the whole house, but we were not keen to repaint the walls. Which left us a problem with this -
- the destruction left on the wall (against which Emily's bed would be) where some shelving had previously decided to part company with the wall! Ugh!
I guess we could have stuck a poster over the space, but never liking to miss the opportunity of bit of crafting an idea started to form in my head. I would make a personalised wall hanging - something beautiful that would last and that could be taken with us to the next house (and the next...). I looked around online for tutorials and ideas, but didn't find anything quite right. I kind of liked a couple of ideas like this one from Sania Pell's The Homemade Home for Children, which used artificial flower heads, and this one which was inspired by the same book. However, I wanted to make all the flowers, include a border, and, most importantly, take every opportunity to use my new sewing machine, which in this case meant trying my hand at applique, something I had not done before. So, armed with scraps, ribbons, buttons and cat templates I started my planning.
The flowers were the easiest place to start. I perused a couple of tutorials (here and here) first, but also used my initiative. Then I planned out my scene (cats were an essential feature!):
Then it was just a case of assembling all the different components. The flower stems are a variety of ribbon, felt and crocheted yarn, all machine stitched onto the backing. The leaves were all cut from felt and also machine stitched on. I attached the front piece to the backing (wrong sides together - pillowcase style!) not forgetting to insert two pieces of dowling - one held at the top with ribbons to allow for hanging, and one at the bottom to weight the piece down. The only handstitching I did was to attach the flowerheads, buttons and a few interesting insects for extra detail, which I did right at the very end.
And finally, after about two weeks of working on it on and off, it was done! And I LOVE IT!
Even more importantly, Emily loves it. It covers the wall carnage perfectly, and really finishes off her side of the room. Now I'll just have to make another one for the baby's side!
My work here is done! |
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