I had decided to try and make a top from the material recovered from the linen mix M&S skirt I picked up on last week's charity shop spree. I wasn't sure how this would work, or whether there was quite enough material, but spurred on by my trousers-to-skirt success I thought I'd give it a go.

Having duly printed and pasted my pattern together I read the instructions and measurement guide to decide which size to cut out. The instructions give this suggestion:
Use the size chart to determine your size. Colette Patterns have less ease than many other patterns to provide a closer, more tailored fit. If you are between sizes, choose the larger size.

When it came to cutting out the pattern pieces I was a little short of fabric for the back, but managed to piece it together with reasonable results. For the front I omitted the pleat - also to save fabric. I sewed the pieces up following the instructions. It was nice and easy - all went well. Then I tried it on.
It was a sack.
There's nothing more to be said. I wish I'd taken photos at this point, but I was so horrified that I whipped it straight off, put it back on again inside out and proceeded to fill it with pins in an attempt to make it fit.
It was huge at the sides, under the arms, and the back gaped - I mean REALLY gaped! I tried taking it in down the side seams, and I also put two very long darts down the back, but really it was beyond salvaging. Here are photos taken after all my alterations:
Bleurgh! Not good. The fit still isn't great, the front kicks up for no apparent reason, and those back darts look really amateur. I gave up, knowing that I didn't want to go through the whole palaver of making bias binding to finish off this monstrosity. Too bad linen-mix-M&S-skirt-top, you will not be joining me on any outings in the near future!
Bleurgh! Not good. The fit still isn't great, the front kicks up for no apparent reason, and those back darts look really amateur. I gave up, knowing that I didn't want to go through the whole palaver of making bias binding to finish off this monstrosity. Too bad linen-mix-M&S-skirt-top, you will not be joining me on any outings in the near future!
And how did I deal with this disappointment? Did I rant and rave or throw the offending pattern pieces out the window? Thankfully no. I thought it over for 24 hours then decided to try again. This time I cut up a bedsheet - my first toile! I figure working out how things fit me is a crucial stage in making clothes, so I'm going to spend a bit of time experimenting.
Stay tuned for the Sorbetto rematch coming soon!
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