Thursday, 16 April 2015

Me Made May '15

For those not yet in the know, Me Made May is an event hosted by Zoe at 'So Zo...What do you know?' encouraging home sewists and knitters to wear their garments with pride.  Challenges are set by partcipants themselves and vary depending on the experience and wardrobe of the sewist/knitter, but generally participants are pledging to wear more of their me made items throughout May than they would normally do.

For the last two years I have watched from the sidelines as Me Made May took place in blogland, but without taking part.  It must be a milestone that I now feel I have enough clothes to make it through a month!  I actually wear my own makes a lot of the time now, so I'm aiming to wear at least 2 garments a day to make sure it's a bit of a challenge.  I'm sure there will be a lot of repeats, but I'm hoping to make a couple more things between now and May to keep me going.  I'm also hoping that if I aim to wear as many of the things I've made as possible I'll be able to identify those items that really haven't worked that need to be recycled into something new.

So, here's the pledge!

I, Su of, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear at least two me made garments each day for the duration of May 2015, wearing as many of my me made clothes as possible through the month.

Roll on May!

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